8/1/23 – Congratulations to Vivien and Yahir, some of our fantastic summer undergrads, on beautiful presentations!

6/20/23 – Lila and Somya gave great poster presentations at our local Infectious Diseases retreat – awesome job!

6/5/23 – Elizabeth’s study is out in Nature Microbiologycongrats!!

6/1/23 – Welcome to our new summer undergraduate student Yahir, and also very happy to have Vivien and Hannah here full-time as summer scholars!

5/3/23 – A big welcome to Duyen and Sarah who are joining the lab!!

4/16/23 – A huge congratulations to Heyde for her successful thesis defense!! She will be heading to Germany next month!

2/16/23 – Congrats to Yuhao for his comment on microbial exposure models in Nature Microbiology!

2/15/23 – Washington University is now part of the Beckman Scholars Program! This is a great new opportunity for undergrads!

2/13/23 – A big welcome to rotating graduate students Lindsey Hall, Duyen Bui, and Sarah Grambo!!!

11/2/22 – Congrats to Elizabeth on an awesome thesis defense!! She will be heading to UPenn to start her postdoc in January!

9/15/22 – Yay for Meagan for her lovely Journal of Virology paper and for Lila on her recent Frontiers in Immunology review!

7/15/22 – Congratulations to Danielle for being awarded a research fellowship award from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation!

6/29/22 – Congrats to Elizabeth for publication of her comment in Nature!

6/22/22 – Dylan makes successful thesis defender #3!!! He will be starting a position as a Senior Scientist at Pfizer shortly!

4/13/22 – Forrest also successfully defended his thesis, making it a banner month for Baldridge lab graduations!! He will be starting a postdoc at University of Virginia in May!

4/1/22 – Meagan successfully defended her thesis (no April Fool’s Day joke!) – congratulations!! And she has secured an exciting position as a Senior Scientist at Merck!

3/15/22 – A massive congratulations to all of the folks who have published recently – to Forrest for his review and Blood Advances paper, Dylan and Danielle for their Gut Microbes paper, Andrew for his Cell Host Microbe paper, and Sanghyun and Gowri for their Autophagy paper!!!

12/1/21 – A big congrats to Elizabeth on being awarded an NIH F31!

11/15/21 – Congratulations to Andrew on acceptance of his study in Cell Host Microbe!

11/1/21 – Welcome to clinical fellow Lila Nolan!

7/14/21 – Baldridge lab T-shirts were successfully tie-dyed at the lab picnic… hopefully soon we will be able to capture everyone simultaneously in a group picture!

7/1/21 – Woo-hoo!! Today is both the 5-year anniversary of the Baldridge lab and Megan’s first day as an associate professor with tenure – good stuff 🙂

6/17/21 – Congrats to Jasmine for passing her qualifying exam!

6/12/21 – A big welcome to summer student Angel, rotation student John, and new PSTP fellow Jerome!

6/10/21 – Congratulations to Danielle for publication of her comment in Cell Host Microbe!

6/4/21 – Congratulations to Somya and Ebrahim for publication of their review in Viruses!

4/26/21 – Welcome to new graduate student Jasmine Wright, who will be joining both the Baldridge and Brestoff labs!

4/14/21 – Congratulations to Yuhao for publication of his review on the virome!

3/15/21 – Huge congratulations to all the folks who have recently had papers come out!!! To Harshad for his Mucosal Immunology paper, Forrest and Ebrahim for their PLoS Pathogens paper, and Andrew and Mike as well as Lara for their reviews! Amazing work, everyone!!!

10/15/20 – Welcome to new postdoc Danielle and rotation student Anna!

8/21/20 – Congratulations to Heyde and Harshad on publication of their review on viral co-infections!

8/10/20 – Welcome to new MSTP student Gowri Kalugotla!

7/1/20 – Welcome to new postdoc Somya and to new senior research technician Lynne!

4/20/20 – Congratulations to Bria on joining the Molecular Micro graduate program at Wash U!

4/6/20 – Our collaborative PLoS Pathogens paper with the Wilen lab is now out!

2/20/20 – Welcome to new graduate student Heyde Makimaa!

12/3/19 – Welcome to new technician Nicki and new staff scientist Yuhao!

11/25/19 – Our collaborative Nature Micro paper with the Karst lab is now out!

11/8/19 – Bria and Meagan both presented great work at the Micro/Immuno joint retreat!

10/15/19 – Welcome to rotation student Casey!

9/12/19 – Congratulations to Forrest and Elizabeth on successfully proposing their theses!

9/9/19 – Congratulations to Andrew for his appointment to the Training in Immunology training grant!!

9/5/19 – Ebrahim’s review on norovirus pathogenesis is now out at Mucosal Immunology!

8/29/19 – Stefan and Elizabeth’s paper on mice lacking IFN-lambda cytokines has come out in Journal of Virology!

8/26/19 – Welcome to rotating students Ben and Jonny as well as new undergraduate student Arko!

7/1/19 – Welcome to new postdoc Andrew Kim!

6/25/19 – Dylan’s phage review is now out!

6/17/19 – Welcome to rotating graduate students Gowri and Heyde and to summer undergraduate student Mike!!

4/12/19 – Larissa and Marissa presented their undergraduate research projects at the Wash U Undergraduate Research Symposium – great work!

4/1/19 – Harshad and Sanghyun’s paper has just come out at Nature Microbiology! Read our “Behind the Paper” about this story!

3/15/19 – Welcome to new postdoc Ebrahim Hassan!

2/18/19 – An enthusiastic welcome to Sanghyun Lee, Qun Lu, Hongju Deng, Bria Dunlap and Ryan Hill who have come to join the Baldridge Lab!

2/12/19 – Congrats to Dylan for successfully passing his qualifying exam!

12/15/18 – Congratulations to Elizabeth and Forrest for passing their qualifying exams – awesome work!

11/29/18 – Our collaborative study looking at gamma-herpesvirus effects in STING knock-in mice with the Miner lab is now published in Journal of Virology – congratulations Harshad!

11/7/18 – We are delighted to have received R01 funding to study regulation of hematopoiesis by the microbiota in collaboration with the King lab at Baylor!

10/31/18 – Elizabeth Kennedy’s extremely useful Frontiers in Physiology review comparing germ-free and antibiotics-treated mice is now out!

10/4/18 – We have a lovely new crest to represent the lab! Thanks Dylan!!

9/21/18 – Our new Journal of Virology paper about HOIL1 regulation of interferon induction is out!

9/6/18 – Meagan Sullender’s PLOS Pathogens Pearl about norovirus and the microbiota is now live!

9/1/18 – Forrest Walker has been appointed to the Cellular and Molecular Biology training grant – hooray!

8/21/18 – Congratulations to Meagan Sullender for passing her qualifying exam!

8/21/18 – We are very excited to have been selected for a second year of funding through the Kenneth Rainin Foundation!

8/14/18 – Congrats to Dylan Lawrence for his appointment to the GATP training grant!

6/21/18 – The lab has grown! Here is a new group photo!

6/11/18 – Graduate student Forrest Walker is joining our lab – welcome, Forrest!!

4/7/18 – We are also delighted to welcome graduate student Elizabeth Kennedy to the lab, and congratulate her for her NSF fellowship!

3/19/18 – We are delighted to welcome graduate students Dylan Lawrence and Meagan Sullender to the lab!

2/1/18 – Congratulations to Harshad on being awarded a fellowship through the Children’s Discovery Institute!

1/22/18 – Congratulations to Harshad and Stefan for the publication of their review in Viruses on type I and III IFNs!

9/27/17 – Our new Cell Host & Microbe paper is out online!