Current Lab Members

Megan Baldridge, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis Program
Molecular Genetics and Genomics Program
Immunology Program
Computational and Systems Biology Program
Office: Room 4204, Couch Biomedical Research Building, 4515 McKinley Ave.
Phone: 314-273-1212
Email: mbaldridge@wustl.edu

Somya Aggarwal, PhD
Lab Supervisor (Joint with Muegge lab)
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: s.aggarwal@wustl.edu

Karan Bhatt
Graduate Student, Molecular Microbiology & Microbial Pathogenesis
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: b.karan@wustl.edu

Duyen Bui
Graduate Student, Molecular Microbiology & Microbial Pathogenesis
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: b.duyen@wustl.edu

Danielle Campbell, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: cdanielle@wustl.edu

Luis Chica
Graduate Student, Computational & Systems Biology (Joint with Handley lab)
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: luisalberto@wustl.edu

Lara Crock, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: crockl@wustl.edu

Olivia Emerson
Research Technician
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: e.olivia@wustl.edu

Lynne Foster
Senior Research Technician
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: l.foster@wustl.edu

Jo Frempong
MSTP Student, Molecular Genetics & Genomics
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: jo.frempong@wustl.edu

Sarah Grambo
Graduate Student, Molecular Microbiology & Microbial Pathogenesis
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: grambo@wustl.edu

Harshad Ingle, PhD
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: hingle@wustl.edu

Haina Jin
Graduate Student, Computational & Systems Biology
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: haina@wustl.edu

Crystal Lovato
Graduate Student, Immunology
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: c.l.lovato@wustl.edu

Vivien Marmerstein
Undergraduate Researcher
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: m.vivien@wustl.edu

Lila Nolan, MD
Instructor, Newborn Medicine
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: lilanolan@wustl.edu

Hannah Rai
Undergraduate Researcher
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: h.rai@wustl.edu

Rachel Rodgers
Bioinformaticist (Joint with Holtz lab)
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: rachel.rodgers@wustl.edu

Lawrence (Larry) Schriefer
Staff Scientist
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: lschriefer@wustl.edu

Leran (Izzy) Wang
Bioinformaticist (Joint with Handley lab)
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: leranwang@wustl.edu

Jimmy Weagley, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: jsweagley@wustl.edu

Jasmine Wright
Graduate Student, Immunology (Joint with Brestoff lab)
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: j.m.wright@wustl.edu

Xiaofen Wu
Bioinformatician (Joint with Holtz lab)
Phone: 314-273-1220
Email: xiaofen@wustl.edu
Lab Alumni

Avan Antia
Rotating MSTP student
Current: Ding Lab, WUSM
Email: avan.antia@wustl.edu

Carla Blum-Johnston
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: Medical Student at Loma Linda University
Email: c.blum-johnston@wustl.edu

Nicki Borella
Research Technician
Current: UMSL Master’s program in Mental Health Counseling
Email: nicki.borella@gmail.com

Hongju Deng
Research Specialist
Current: Retiree
Email: hongjudeng@yahoo.com

Anna DeVeaux
Rotating Graduate Student
Current: Dantas Lab, WUSM
Email: a.deveaux@wustl.edu

Arko Dhar
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: Research Technician, Farnsworth lab, WUSM
Email: dhara@wustl.edu

Bria Dunlap
Research Technician
Current: Graduate Student in Lenschow lab, WUSM
Email: dunlap.bria@wustl.edu

Jana Gawron
Masters Student, Intern
Current: PhD Student at University of Freiburg
Email: jana@gawron24.de

Ebrahim Hassan, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Current: Assistant Professor, Nile University
Email: e.hassan@wustl.edu

Michael Hogarty
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: PhD Student at University of Pennsylvania
Email: hogartymichaelp@wustl.edu

Yahir Huerta-Salas
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: Undergraduate student at Cornell University
Email: yahir@wustl.edu

Gowri Kalugotla
MSTP Student, Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Current: Medical School at WUSM
Email: gowri.kalugotla@wustl.edu

Elizabeth Kennedy
Graduate Student, Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Current: Postdoctoral trainee at University of Pennsylvania
Email: ekennedy@wustl.edu

Andrew Kim, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Current: Senior Scientist at Siolta Therapeutics
Email: andrewhkim87@gmail.com

Dylan Lawrence
Graduate Student, Computational and Systems Biology
Current: Senior Scientist at Pfizer
Email: dylan.lawrence@wustl.edu

Sanghyun Lee, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Current: Principal Investigator at Brown University
Email: sanghyun_lee@brown.edu

Yuhao Li, PhD
Staff Scientist
Current: Staff Scientist in Whelan Lab at WUSM
Email: yuhaoli@wustl.edu

Marissa Locke
Rotating Graduate Student
Current: Editorial Science Associate
Email: mlocke@wustl.edu

Qun Lu, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Current: Principal Investigator at Yunnan University
Email: qluyunlife@163.com

Larissa Lushniak
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: Medical Student at WUSM
Email: llushniak@wustl.edu

Heyde Makimaa
Graduate Student, Molecular Cell Biology
Current: Postdoctoral trainee at University Hospital of Tübingen
Email: heyde.makimaa@wustl.edu

Charissa Martin
Masters Student, Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
Current: Bioinformatician position at Wash U
Email: charissa@wustl.edu

Jerome Molleston, MD, PhD
Pediatric Gastroenterology Fellow, PSTP
Current: Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, WashU
Email: jmmolles@wustl.edu

Efia Nuako
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: Medical student at Quillen College of Medicine
Email: enuako@wustl.edu

Stefan Peterson
Research Assistant
Current: PhD Student at University of Pennsylvania
Email: stefan22@pennmedicine.upenn.edu

Pooja Shah
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: Research Technician at University of Pennsylvania
Email: p.s.shah@wustl.edu

Pratyush Sridhar
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: Masters Student at Rice University
Email: pratyush.sridhar@wustl.edu

Meagan Sullender
Graduate Student, Molecular Cell Biology
Current: Senior Scientist at Merck
Email: mesullender@gmail.com

Owen Thomas
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: Undergraduate Student
Email: owenthomas@wustl.edu

Marissa Turkin
Undergraduate Researcher
Current: Medical Student at St. Louis University
Email: marissa.turkin@health.slu.edu

Forrest Walker
Graduate Student, Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis
Current: Postdoctoral trainee in LeRoux lab at WUSM
Email: forrestcwalker@gmail.com
Previous Lab Group Photos
July 2021

July 2019
July 2018
April 2017